Boundless Entries

"Never fearing depth, my only fear is that of shallow living"

Sneak peek

387972_4421644749784_2044434229_nDear readers,

My name is Rasha, and I’ve been keeping and shredding diaries since I was 7 years old.

I’m hoping that this low-maintenance, digital diary goes beyond just words on pages hidden under my mattress to reach at least one person and touch them in some way.

Please expect spelling and grammar mistakes as I have a fear of re-reading anything I write. Whatever you see is most probably drafted at 2 am, in my bed and in one impulsive writing spree.

The time gaps between posts are simply a reflection of my constant struggle with the writer’s block disease.

As you read please reflect deeply about your internal thoughts as well because what I write is simply the fruit of long overthinking sessions about (what I suppose are) common life experiences.

Faithfully yours,


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