Boundless Entries

"Never fearing depth, my only fear is that of shallow living"

Father, mother, and daughter

To our daughter

I’m sitting here and writing this with one ear lent to my playlist and the other at the mercy of the slightest sound of your breath. My eyes constantly darting from this journal to your bassinet. My arms ready to drop any and everything if a chirp from you orders their embrace.

I asked your father the other day how I would know if I’m doing this right. “This” being motherhood. He said that this is love and there’s no way of doing it right. We just do it anyway. The best way we know how and one step at a time. Our worst enemy being our mind stripping us from this moment to all the future mishaps that can happen.

He said we can’t think of all the bicycle stumbles at once. We’ll take each one as it comes. Together.

You, being, here today with us unraveled a different kind of wisdom at the deepest core of this man. A wisdom I thought I would only ever find in my own father.

He told me to treat this moment like the miracle it truly is because what matters is not what we get ‘right’, it’s how we do it together consciously and convinced that this is what we want for our family.

There are things we will have to learn but there are also things we will have to unlearn. You’re not here to fulfill any unfinished dreams. You’re not here to take on any projected role.

You are simply here.

That is all that would ever matter to us. The rest is all triviality.

The world you’ve come into today is a tough place and you’ll hear that forever. The same way we still do. But I could swear that this statement has echoed for generations. Each generation is nostalgic for its good days.

For your father and I, our good days have just started all over again. With you. At this moment, in this place, right here.

You’ve been born into quite a swinging balance with us two. Your father and I are alike at the core covered with layers of differences that make us who we are as a team. We’ve needed this core and each one of these layers in our souls to melt into one – you.

Thank you for choosing us.

One response to “Father, mother, and daughter”

  1. this amazing, thanks for sharing!!


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